Calorie Calculator
ALWAYS select "Maintain Weight" under the Goals section.
Calculations for Weight Gain / Weight Loss are explained in the Nutrition Guide and do not follow the same principles as this generic calculator.
Determining your Activity Levels:
Tip: It's always better to underestimate your activity level. If you underestimated it - your body will quickly tell you & then you can increase your activity levels accordingly. If you overestimate it, your body won't tell you and only after a while you will notice that you're not seeing the results you are after.
Little to No Exercise = PA 20% / if you are sedentary (mainly sitting (desk job), lying down or standing still (cashier) / < 5 000 steps per day
Light Exercise = PA 30% / light activities, such as walking for approximately 2 hours per day (teachers) / < 10 000 steps per day
Moderate Exercise = PA 40% / moderately active, ie gardening or heavy house work, dancing, etc / 10 000 - 12 000 steps per day
Heavy Exercise = PA 50% / if you are an athlete / > 12 000 steps per day
Your Result Is: