Again, here at Fitbest we aspire to bring you quick & healthy recipes. You don't need the whole Checkers and "healthified" products to be healthy. Just look inside your fridge and let's work with that!
If you made the best spinach & banana pancakes from my previous recipe, you probably will have some leftover baby spinach for this one! How great is that? We aren't wasting precious food!
These easy fritatas is a perfect balanced high-protein meal for breakfast and is perfect for an in between snack as well. What helps is to make a whole tray and keep them in the fridge till the next morning or snack!
Here are a few interesting facts you may need to know about eggs!
-Eggs contain the highest quality protein you can buy.
-To tell if an egg is raw or hard-cooked, spin it! If the egg spins easily, it is hard-cooked but if it wobbles, it is raw.
-Egg yolks are one of the few foods that are a naturally good source of Vitamin D.
-If an egg is accidentally dropped on the floor, sprinkle it heavily with salt for easy clean up.
-Eating raw eggs won’t help you build muscle. Only 51% of the proteins in raw eggs are digestible, while 91% of the proteins in cooked eggs are digestible.

8 large eggs (for 12 fritatas) if you only want to make a few, work with 2 large eggs for 3 fritatas
1/4 cup milk
baby spinach
cherry tomatoes
cook & spray
grated cheese

Spray a muffin pan with cook & spray and preheat the oven 180 degrees Celsius
Whisk 8 large eggs, the milk with some salt and pepper together in a large juice jar (because it's easier to pour the mixture into the pan this way)
Add chopped baby spinach & cherry tomatoes & grated cheese to the mixture in the jar
Stir well
Pour the mixture into every muffin cup about 3/4 full for each
Sprinkle some extra cheese on top
Bake in the oven for +- 12-15 min until golden brown colour
Enjoy it with some bread or fruit as a side!
