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LEAN 12-Week Challenge

Writer's picture: FIT BEST TrainingFIT BEST Training

Updated: Feb 5, 2021

It's OFFICIAL!!! Our BRAND NEW program will release on Monday, 8 Feb 2021!

You know that "toned" look everyone is after? This program will give you exactly that!

The LEAN 12-Week Program consists of 66 Workouts! Which you can either follow at home or at the gym - it's totally up to you! You can follow the program at your own pace!

As many of you would know - we were planning on launching a program called HIIT Hype back in September 2020. Which we then decided to postpone. The program would have also been focused on building lean muscle. But with the changes that unexpectedly came to #TeamFitBest - we have made the decision to cancel the HIIT Hype program all together and to launch something brand new! So LEAN was born!

Everything from LEAN is new and fresh - from the program design, to the exercises, the scheduling - e v e r y t h i n g! It is unlike any other program we've ever launched (or planned to launch) before. And we are so excited to launch it!

The 12-Week program is divided into two six week phases. Phase 1 has 4 workouts per week as well as a finisher / progress tracker workout. The progress trackers are optional, but obviously strongly recommend! There are thus a total of 30 workouts in the first phase.

Phase 2 builds on Phase 1 - and one cannot simply start with Phase 2 without having done Phase 1 first. The program design focuses on progressive overload. Which in basic terms simply means that you gradually increase the weight / frequency / number of reps / etc in your strength training routine. This challenges your body and allows you to get stronger, aka build more lean muscle.

The 66 workouts are all scheduled in our app. What does that even mean? It simply means that we have schedule the workouts on specific days & your app will remind you that you still have to do your workout. Of course you will have the option to make changes to your schedule or switch off the notifications.

But scheduling your workouts have been found to be extremely effective in helping you to stay accountable. And accountability is what will bring forth results! So basically, the scheduling is us helping you to get the very best out of the program!

The program truly is suitable to all fitness levels. With the video illustrations - we give beginner, intermediate and advanced options. We also show you how to increase the difficulty (progressive overload) of each exercise, to make the program harder as you go along.

As if the program itself isn't exciting enough, we have also teamed up with pretty epic brands to give away a phenomenal amount of prizes! Worth over R8 500 in total!

How the prizes will work...

We are all about rewarding hard work. Because we believe in the sowing and reaping principle. Thus - what you put in is what you will get out!

We thus have three different prize criteria:

1. Social Media Presence Prizes

There are 3 prizes to be won in this category. And they are the easiest to get your hands on! It is completely based on who is most active on social media!

Prize 1: (For Phase 1 Only) - Koakoa Active Voucher (worth R500) & Carlo's Effect Hamper (worth R880)

Prize 2: (For Phase 2 Only) - Same as Prize 1

Prize 1 and 2 is based on who makes the most posts on social media per 6-week phase - tagging ALL of the following brands: Fit Best Training; Koakoa Active; Carlo's Effect; Bezonder Jewellery; Nova Kinetics & Lara Jonker Photography. And using the following hashtags #FitBestLean #TeamFitBest

Prize 3: (For Phase 1 & 2 combined) - Bezonder Jewellery Copper Leaf Workshop for winner and 3 of her friends (worth R2600)

The Copper Leaf Workshop will take place in Potchefstroom with Johandi, the owner of Bezonder Jewellery. During the workshop she will teach you how to make your own copper leaf earnings. And she won't only be showing you - you'll each be making your own pair!

Prize 3 is based on who makes the most posts on social media over the full 12-weeks - tagging ALL of the following brands: Fit Best Training; Koakoa Active; Carlo's Effect; Bezonder Jewellery; Nova Kinetics & Lara Jonker Photography. And using the following hashtags #FitBestLean #TeamFitBest

*Please note: You cannot win both Prize 1 and 2. However, you can win Prize 1 and 3 or Prize 2 and 3.

In example:

Say Person A shares 13 posts/stories during Phase 1; 4 posts in Phase 2 = 17 shares in total

Person B shares 5 posts/stories in Phase 1; 10 posts in Phase 2 = 15 shares in total

Thus: Person A will win Prize 1 AND Prize 3; Person B will win Prize 2

It might even be that a third party will win Prize 3 without winning prize 1 or 2.

Person C shares 9 posts in Phase 1 (losing to Person A); 9 posts in Phase 2 (losing to Person B) = 18 shares in total.

Thus: Person A will win Prize 1; Person B will win Prize 2 and Person C will be the winner of Prize 3!

How's that for a little bit of fitness maths! haha

Failure to tag the brands and using the hashtags will result in the "entry" not counting.

2. Physical Transformation Prizes

There are two prizes in this category.

These prizes are for the two ladies who makes the biggest physical transformation, based on the before and after photos. No photos will be shared without the participant's permission.

Prize 4: (For Phase 1 & 2 combined) - First Place: 60 min Photoshoot with Lara Jonker Photography (worth R700) & 30 min Sports Massage with Nova Kinetics (Worth R400)

Prize 5: (For Phase 1 & 2 combined) - Second Place: 30 min Photoshoot with Lara Jonker Photography (worth R500)

3. Performance Progress Prizes

There are two prizes in this category.

These prizes are for the two ladies who makes the biggest progress based on the performance trackers - aka sCore workouts. Once you sign up, you'll see exactly how these work.

Prize 6: (For Phase 1 & 2 combined) - First Place: 3 Month Nutrition Coaching with Fit Best Training (worth R1 000) & 30 min Sports Massage with Nova Kinetics (Worth R400)

Prize 7: (For Phase 1 & 2 combined) - Second Place: the Fit Best Nutrition Guide (worth R450)

The official & final PDF will go out on 5 February 2021 - when participants will get access to the app as well.

What are you waiting for? Sign up now!

You can book your spot right here:

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