43rd Portion [17-23 Aug 2025]
Theme of the Book of Deuteronomy:
Possessing the Promised Land
Meaning of "re'eh" = "see"
This week's Torah portions:
Sunday: Deuteronomy 11:26-12:10
Monday: Deuteronomy 12:11-28
Tuesday: Deuteronomy 12:29-13:19
Wednesday: Deuteronomy 14:1-21
Thursday: Deuteronomy 14:22-29
Friday: Deuteronomy 15:1-18
Shabbat: Deuteronomy 15:19-16:17 & Isaiah 54:11-55:5
Apostolic Writings:
John 7:37-52
This is the 4th portion of the book of Deuteronomy. After this one there's only 7 portions left before we restart the entire reading cycle again!
Re'eh means to "see." In this portion Moses told the tribes of Israel in Deut 11:26 "Behold (re'eh), I set before you this day a blessing and a curse..."
The blessing follows when we obey Abba's instructions and the curse follows when we are disobedient to His instructions.
When we take a look at Elijah's story in 1 Kings 18 and 19, we see how Elijah did three major miracles on Mount Carmel in Israel. He first called fire down from heaven, then he prayed and it rained for the first time in three and a half years, and thirdly he outran king Ahab's horse!
Shortly after these three things happened, Elijah received a message from Jezebel, that she was going to kill him.
Elijah killed over 700 Baal prophets; yet when one women tells him that she's going to kill him - Elijah ran for 11 days! Why did he run? It interesting to see that 1 Kings 19:3 says that when Elijah "saw" it - he ran. Which reminds us that both faith and fear is activated in our lives through what we see (re'eh). And we have to choose whether it will be faith or fear.
We have to ask ourselves what is it that we see? Do we see ourselves do what we are supposed to do according to the instructions? Do we see what the blessings would be which would follow our obedience? Do we see what would follow if we were to be disobedient?
That which we see (re'eh), is that which we are going to live according to!
The conviction we have in our hearts is not only something we think / feel - it's something that we see & that's why it will become the way in which you will live.
In this portion we see that any person who says that we should not follow the instructions of God, is deemed to be a false prophet. And that that person should be put to death. Which proves that death follows when someone is disobedient to Abba's instructions.
This is a powerful tool in the hands of born-again believers to discern between true prophets and false prophets! Whenever someone teaches that we are no longer to follow Abba's instructions (original Hebrew word: Torah) - the Bible tells us that that person is a false prophet!
When Stephen spoke to the people, we read from Scripture that the people "intentively listened" to him. And then suddenly we see that something made them decide to kill him. From intentively listening to someone to making the decision to kill him, something drastic must have happened. Stephen stood when he spoke to them, and in Hebrew custom - when someone is standing, they are judging. Thus the people stoned Stephen as they thought that he was a false prophet. They though that they would not be judged because they forgot that there is always consequences when you don't obey the instructions of Abba!
In this portion it's also described how they should deal with a prophet whom they concern might be a false prophet, who would (as a result of being a false prophet) lead them into idolatry. Furthermore in this portion we also see how entire cities were to be destroyed that have fallen into idol worship.
We also read again, like in Leviticus, which animals, fish and birds they were allowed to eat. In this we see the connection between what we eat and that which we become. If we eat unhealthy food, our bodies would become unhealthy. Reaping the results of our unhealthy choices. The same applies to our obedience. If we are disobedient, we will reap the curses which follows.
If we feed ourselves from Abba's Word, we'll be healthy - physically & spiritually!
In the book of Numbers, we read about a tithe which had to be given to the Levites, who were the priests. In this portion we see about another tithe (a second one) which had to be given. This second tithe should be put aside / saved up in order for you to go attend the festivals (Biblical feasts).
We then also read about a third tithe which had to be given every 3rd & 6th year of ever smittah (7 year cycle). This third tithe were to be given to the poor.
This portion also stated that the first born of the cattle and the sheep had to be offered unto God - as a first fruit offering. And the meat were to be given to the Levitical priests.
We also read about the concept of charity and giving to those in need. According to Biblical instructions, charity is an instruction to every believer. We have an obligation to help those who are in need. And the important thing to remember about it, is that we should do it without expecting it back or receiving anything in return.
This portion aslo speaks about the sabbatical year, which is the 7th (and last) year of every smittah cycle. In the sabbatical year, all loans / dept should be written off and forgiven. All slaves were also to be released. This was instructed in earlier Torah portions as well - thus it serves as a confirmation when we read about it here again.
This week's portion finishes off with the three Biblical feasts (the seven feastivals are divided into 3 main categories). The second tithe which were to be set aside was supposed to be used to attend the festivals in Jerusalem. Today we know that we are not under the law to attend the biblical festivals in Israel. Abba instructed that that tithe should be put to use to attend the festivals "in the place which the Lord choses to have His Name established." In the Old Testament, that place was Jerusalem, where the temple was. However, today we know that we are the tabernacle / temple and He dwells within each one of us. Thus when we are called to celebrate the festivals in "the place which the Lord chooses" - we are to celebrate it wherever He has placed us in this world! He has a purpose with each one of us exactly where we are in life. And we have received the instruction to live within His instructions there where we are - no matter where in this world we find ourselves to be! We have to do this so that we can see and be seen.
Thus this portion starts of with seeing (re'eh) and it also finished off with it!
We have to ask ourselves if we can see the blessing which follows when we follow Abba's instructions? And furthermore, we have to ask ourselves if we can see God and if He can see us!
It almost sounds like a stupid question - whether God can see us; knowing that He sees and knows about everything.
However in Isaiah 59:2 we read "but your iniquities have separated you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.”
Thus our sin & iniquity builds up walls between us and God - which makes that He cannot see (re'eh) and hear us, nor can we see and hear Him!
This is a reminder to us to assess whether we can re'eh (see) God and can He see us? Do we live according to His instructions? We have to cone to the place of obedience to His instructions.
From this portion we can also see the importance of submitting our finances to Abba's instructions, linking to the ability to see Him in our lives. If we are not willing to manage our finances according to His principles, we'll have a hard time to see His blessings in our lives.
What do you SEE? And what do you choose - life or death?
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